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27/4 First day drive car ...=D

Best Blogger Tips Huhu,today I'd go for the Krusus kereta for 3 hours .
I though the cikgu will very garang,bt not at all la.

It's really awesome!!!

Err...nothing to say....juz keep press the clutch and make a turn.
Just parkin' there seriously make me BLUR...
haiz....luckily the cikgu still teach me although me still dono><
When up the hill, I think I can handed it,
becoz the teacher keep say:''Ah moi,ya like this,senang saja..'' ^^''

Hmm,I think other place counted as sucess.
Hope I really can handed it,will try my best in another hours =P


Omg!Seriously tired.
Wanna go take a nap first.
Bye bye....